Do you have an article for our Newsletter?
Contact Chair Malcolm Holmes if you would like to contribute a short piece about the history of some part of the borough. Images are welcome.
Got a longer article for the Camden History Review?
Contact Publications Editor David Hayes if you have an article you think might suit our annual Camden History Review publication. Articles are usually between 1000 and 8000 words long and illustrations are welcome. The contributor's deadline is 31 July each year.
Why not take the stage?
If you would like to give an online talk to our other members on a local historical topic, contact Ruth Hayes. Talks are at the moment on Zoom, usually illustrated, last around 45 minutes and take written questions from the audience at the end.
Are you a great researcher?
The Camden History Society has been voluntarily researching Camden's history for more than 40 years. To join in by offering your research skills to one of our projects contact our Chairman Malcolm Holmes.