Camden’s astronomy heritage is remarkable, and includes links to distinguished scientists, institutions and historic moments. Many features beyond the Earth have names with Camden associations, some surprising and intriguing. Lester’s presentation will explore moments in history such as eclipses, transits and the returns of Halley’s comet; also the visit of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin to Highgate in 1961 - barely a hundred days on from his flight in Vostock 1. Literature from H G Wells’ War of the Worlds to Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will feature, along with music, and chocolate, yes chocolate. A few weeks ago, the Earth caught up with time, so a Leap Year presentation is timely. Lester Hillman is a member of the Society and contributor to Camden History Review. Since 1978, he has been an Associate of the Camden-based Royal Historical Society. He has written, organised and lectured at astronomy-themed events, and visited sites around the globe including Point Venus, Tahiti.
For CHS members unable to attend in person, we hope to live-stream this talk.
Admission: Free to CHS members. Non-members welcome (£2 at the door).