Become a member
Membership for one year is just £15 for any number of people within a household and includes: free entry to talks; six newsletters per year; a free copy of the Camden History Review; and an invitation to join our annual ticketed day trip to a place of historic interest.
Subscriptions are renewed on 1st March each year. New members joining after 31st December need not renew on the following 1st March. (Applicants outside the UK may be asked separately for a supplement to cover postage.) The Camden History Society will absolutely not share your details with anyone else.
Join by post instead
Some prefer to join by post. If so please download this form, complete the details, and send to the Membership Secretary with a cheque for £15, payable to the Camden History Society.
Eleanor Hellier
Membership Secretary
Camden History Society
37 Rokesly Ave
N8 8NS
Renew automatically every year by standing order
To set up a standing order, or for any other membership queries, email our Membership Secretary Eleanor Hellier.
If you have a copy of our old leaflet which says membership is £10 we will still honour it this year. You may send in the relevant page of that leaflet and receive a year’s membership for £10.