How Hampstead Heath was Saved: a story of 'people power' - Winner of LAMAS award for best book

How Hampstead Heath was Saved: a story of 'people power' - Winner of LAMAS award for best book


The first campaign to save Hampstead Heath was at the centre of the great 19th century conservation movement that saw the creation of the National Trust, the Commons Preservation Society (now the Open Spaces Society) and the Hampstead Heath Protection Society (now the Heath and Hampstead Society).  Extensive research has uncovered fresh information about this story of Britain’s conservation movement and the remarkable people who played a part in the battle to save London’s commons.  This book reveals the political and social upheavals, the rise of town planning and the cultural developments that led to a new understanding of the value of open space.

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The book follows the work of the Heath and Hampstead Society in the 20th century, telling the story of how they joined other groups in the 1970s to fight the London ‘motorway box’, and how they once again had to defend the integrity of the Heath following the abolition of the Greater London Council in the 1980s.